what you’ll find here

  • See the home improvement projects that I’ve completed in my home, get tips from a professional interior designer for your home, and see what projects I’m completing for my business, McNeill Brown Interior Design.

    You can also gain insight about your interior design career as I share about my experiences working in TV production, residential interior design and architecture. READ MORE

  • I love trying new restaurants and lately I have been cooking more at home. Find recipes you can make for yourself and your family that are delicious, easy and quick to make HERE!

  • I would be nothing without my faith in Jesus. Read about how following HIm has lead me through my career, personal life and living well with multiple sclerosis HERE.

  • I am blessed to have an amazing husband and daughter! I share my mom hacks HERE.

  • I love sharing my approachable affordable style finds HERE.

Design Niki McNeill Brown Design Niki McNeill Brown

Your Home May Look Dated If...

These five things are probably making your home look dated. Find out how you can bring your home up to date this fall with these simple changes featuring Carolina Lighting and Design at Cameron Village

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Design Niki McNeill Brown Design Niki McNeill Brown

Raleigh’s Best Global Furniture Source

I’m excited to partner with Cameron Village this fall to highlight some of the amazing boutiques in this historic Raleigh shopping center!

Growing up in Raleigh, Cameron Village was a destination for my family. I can vividly remember my Aunt traveling down from Winston Salem just to make a special trip to shop. It’s been so fun to watch the shopping center evolve over the last few years as an adult living in my hometown. Even more amazing is realizing how many awesome vendors are there that benefit my interior design business! One of my favorite sources, and in my opinion the BEST place in Raleigh to find unique global pieces is Nadeau. Check out my video to get a peek inside.

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Design Education Niki McNeill Brown Design Education Niki McNeill Brown

DIY Interior Designer Tips

Earlier this year I posted about Why You Shouldn’t Hire an Interior Designer and it was one of my most popular blog posts ever! I am glad that it gave clarity to folks who are thinking about working with a designer, but I realized I didn’t offer solutions for those that do want to DIY.

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Niki McNeill Brown Niki McNeill Brown

Personal Style At Home

Look at what you’re wearing right now. Or better yet, think about your favorite outfit. Now look at how your living room is decorated. Does it match your personal style? So often, I meet stylish people who haven’t taken the same amount of care in designing their home. I love Auntie Oprah’s saying..”your home should rise up to meet when you walk in the door.” Is that how you feel when you come into your home?

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Design Niki McNeill Brown Design Niki McNeill Brown

Project Reveal: A New Start

Imagine getting the keys to your new apartment, walking in and having it perfectly styled and ready for your personal things. There are no moving boxes to haul out and a freshly made bed to sleep in! That's exactly the experience we provided for this busy, newlywed couple.

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Design Niki McNeill Brown Design Niki McNeill Brown

How Much Will It Cost?

One of the most frequently questions I am asked is “how much will this cost?” Well of course it varies with every project, but a good rule of thumb when planning for a renovation is to expect the labor to cost just as much, if not more than your materials.

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Niki McNeill Brown Niki McNeill Brown

Why You Shouldn’t Hire An Interior Designer

This may come as a shock coming from an interior designer, but full-service interior design is not for everyone.

Having a beautiful home that fits your style and budget IS for everyone, but that doesn't mean that you need to hire an interior designer. In fact, there are certain types of people who should save their coins and apply them elsewhere. Keep reading to find out who...

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Niki McNeill Brown Niki McNeill Brown

Black Panther: Bring Wakanda to Your Home

In case you've been living under a rock, Black Panther is debuting this week in theaters everywhere this week!

To say I'm excited about this movie would be an understatement. I've literally been counting down for this movie for about a year. Ever since I got a glimpse of T'Challa in Captain American: Civil War, I've been dreaming about what Wakanda, the home of King T'CHalla is like. 

You're going to leave the theater so inspired that you may want to bring some of Wakanda into your home! 

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Design Niki McNeill Brown Design Niki McNeill Brown

One Room Challenge // Reveal!

I'm so excited to share the reveal of my #OneRoom Challenge space today! I have to admit that I was a little overly ambitious with my goals for this space, but half way through I decided to focus on just ONE area of my studio instead of trying to transform the entire space. 

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Design Niki McNeill Brown Design Niki McNeill Brown

One Room Challenge // Week 4

Breaking news y’all!

We have been given an extension on the One Room Challenge so now instead of six weeks, we have seven to complete our rooms. With all of the unforeseen natural disasters we have had her in the states, it was apparent that the timing of the start of the challenge was very inconvenient for a lot of participants. I’m so glad that we have a little bit more time! Keep reading to see how I applied fabric to my walls to dramatically update my space... 

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Design Niki McNeill Brown Design Niki McNeill Brown

One Room Challenge // Week 3

When I decided to do this challenge, I wanted to do it to force myself to finish the year strong and finally make my place look like a designer lives here. What I did NOT account for is having one of the busiest months of the year at work & being at High Point Market for 3 days... 

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Design Niki McNeill Brown Design Niki McNeill Brown

One Room Challenge // Week 1

I’m using this challenge to push myself to finally design and implement a space that reflects my style, on a budget, and using what I have.  Last year, my dad gifted me this comfy striped sofa that he found for $30! (I get my thrift store skills from him.) It's the perfect scale for my space, and super comfy, so I don't want to let it go! I thought about reupholstering it for this challenge, but then I thought it would be awesome to use it as a base for a fun mix of patterns.

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